Seminare und Vorlesungen
092011a | Vorlesung | 2 SWS | Englisch
Tag Von Bis Ort Beginn Ende
Dienstag 14:15 15:45 Geschoßbau III 214 08.10.2024 28.01.2025
Entfällt am 19.11.2023 (Exkursionswoche)
This lecture gives an overview on current topics of the scholarly debate on spatial planning. This includes co-production, climate urbanism, comparative planning studies, digitization, planning conflicts, urban design governance, planning policies, etc..
I will present these topics by referring to research projects. This allows us to learn about research design and methods – something students need for their master thesis. The lecture will have also seminar-like elements and gives room for student presentations. Hence, students are requested to read the material provided on the moodle platform. Students need to submit a written assignment, Details to follow in October.
5 Seiten Essay
0920361 | Seminar | 2 SWS | Englisch | 4 Credits
Tag Von Bis Ort Beginn Ende
Mittwoch 8:30 10:00 Geschossbau I - Raum 410 09.10.2024 30.01.2025
Mittwoch 10:15 11:45 Geschossbau I - Raum 410 09.10.2024 30.01.2025
Part I (Zimmermann):
Which are the great policy successes with regard to urban transformation? What is Vancouverism and why did it become one of the best known urban policy ideas for tramsforming cities? In this course students will work in groups on a number of cities that represent successful cases of urban transformation. These include Medellin, Vancouver, Melbourne, Kassel, Offenbach, Bremen, Liverpool and some more examples. We will learn about and discuss critically the strategies, tools and projects that have been implemented in these cities and – on a more abstract level – try to identify the underlying paradigms of global urban development. This allows us also to discuss global policy transfer and policy mobility.
Part II (Beier): Megaprojects and Discourses of Transition
Currently, megaprojects shape urbanisation and regional development across the globe. Be it the construction of new cities, satellite cities, or regional transportation infrastructures such as ports, railway systems or roads: we are in the midst of a new construction boom that is often accompanied by a revival of regional and state-led planning. In many cases, megaprojects closely connect to state-driven discourses of “modern”, “green”, and “inclusive” urban transition as part of a city’s or a state’s aspiration to “world-class”. This seminar engages critically with histories and current manifestations of megaprojects by paying particular attention to the framing role of underlying planning discourses, ranging from global cities and world-class, to informality and nuisance, as well as neoliberalism and effectiveness.
091171 | Vorlesung mit Seminar | 2 SWS | Deutsch | 2 Credits
Tag Von Bis Ort Beginn Ende
Dienstag 12:15 13:45 Hörsaalgebäude I – HS 3 08.10.2024 28.01.2025
Entfällt am 19.11.2023 (Exkursionswoche)
B.Sc. RP (2012): Erfolgreicher Abschluss der Module 1, 2, 8, 9 und 12 zur Teilnahme an der Modulprüfung (Stichtag: Prüfungsanmeldung)
Prüfung: Modulprüfung (benotet)
Prüfungsform: Mündliche Prüfung (20-30 Minuten)
Prüfungsinhalte: Prüfungsrelevant sind die im Modulhandbuch aufgeführten Inhalte und Kompetenzen (vermittelt über alle Elemente des Moduls); die Prüflinge können Vorschläge für Prüfungsschwerpunkte machen.
B.Sc. RP (2012): Zugeordnete Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen (insgesamt 2): Es sind zwei von drei Veranstaltungen zu belegen
093052 | Seminar | 2 SWS | Englisch | 2 Credits
Tag Von Bis Ort Beginn Ende
Donnerstag 12:15 13:45 Geschossbau I- Raum 410 10.10.2024 30.01.2025
Entfällt am 21.11.2023 (Exkursionswoche)
The purpose of urban and regional development planning is to initiate, plan, programme and implement balanced and sustainable socio-economic development. This is a long-term effort and process involving diverse actors and institutions, both governmental and non-governmental, which have to negotiate a common goals and that has to be co-ordinated by means of appropriate organisational structures and procedures. The choice of organisational and managerial policies can greatly influence the regions’ capacities for achieving defined goals. It is therefore particularly important for development planners to be equipped with a profound knowledge about governance and decision making processes as well as ongoing discourses on state modernization.
Hence the objectives of the course are (1) to introduce the theoretical basis of decision making (2) to familiarise students with institutional change (3) to learn about organizations (including learning theories) and (4) to get an idea of state modernisation (i.e. decentralistion, multi-level governance).
The course comprises analysis of the original texts, presentations, and discussions to identify the use of theoretical approaches for practical planning.
At the end of the course, participants will possess analytical ability to link theory-based knowledge to complex, real world conditions of planning structures prevalent at the urban and regional level. They will be able to assess location-specific institutional and organisational structures in terms of their evolution, socio-cultural context and politico-administrative environment.
The language of the seminar is English.
The registration procedure for all courses takes place at the beginning of the semester. Information and deadlines are announced on the faculty homepage, by e-mail and in the information and introductory meeting before the start of courses.
This course is suitable für PhD-students.
Participating students will be asked to submit an individual essay at the end of the seminar. More information will be obtained during the lessons.
092012 EPK | Kolloquium | Englisch
Tag Von Bis Ort Beginn Ende
Dienstag 10:15 11:45 Geschossbau I – Raum 301 08.10.2024 28.01.2025
Entfällt am 19.11.2023 (Exkursionswoche)
This colloquium organised by European Planning Cultures (EPC) aims to help students write master thesis on topics related to urban transformation. It consists of three components. First, ongoing master theses related to urban transformation will be presented and discussed. This will allow students to get insight into the topics and methods. Second, students present initial ideas for their own thesis. By getting feedback, students can better prepare writing exposé and master thesis. Third, topics related to writing master thesis (e.g. research design and method) will be discussed.