Seminars and lectures
09123j | Seminar | 2 SWS | German | 4 Credits
Day From To Room Begin Finish
Wednesday 10:15 11:45 Geschossbau III - Raum 214 09.04.2025 16.07.2025
Canceled on 28.05.2025 (excursion week)
091171 | Lecture with Seminar | 2 SWS | German | 2 Credits
Day From To Room Start End
Monday 16:15 17:45 Hörsaalgebäude I – HS 5 07.04.2025 14.07.2025
Cancelled 26.05.2025 (excursion week)
092011 | Lecture | 2 SWS | German
Day From To Room Start End
Monday 12:15 13:45 HS 4 07.04.2025 14.07.2025
Cancelled 26.05.2025 (excursion week)
0920361 | Seminar | 2 SWS | English | 10 Credits
Tag From To Place Start End
Tuesday 10:15 11:45 Geschossbau I - Raum 301 08.04.2025 17.07.2025
Tuesday 12:15 13:45 Geschossbau I - Raum 301 08.04.2025 17.07.2025
Entfällt am 27.05.2025 (excursion week)
Green Transformation and Cities
Frank Othengrafen / Karsten Zimmermann
This course gives an overview on the green transformation of cities. We see the notion of urban green transformation as an umbrella term that covers local initiatives towards more climate neutral, resource efficient and climate adaptive cities. We will discuss this transformation from a variety of perspectives: nature-based solutions, water governance, circular economy and urban metabolism, land take and soil degradation, clean air policies, and green energy transitions. We will also discuss governance aspects, implementation problems (successful as well as less successful cases), the role of civic initiatives and the relevance of funding from upper levels of government. The geographical focus of the course is Europe, not least because the European Union currently implements a multi-billion Euro programme called the Green Deal.
The course will employ a variety of learning techniques such as world café, group work, presentation and writing exercises.
Learning outcomes
After completion of the course, students
- have a comprehensive understanding and theoretical reflection of the green transformation of cities
- are able to evaluate the implementation gaps and facilitators of the green transformation of cities (including funding)
- are able to make the right choice for an implementation pathway (strategic planning, urban experiments, incrementalism)
- get to know a variety of cases from Europe.
Grading: oral exam
092012 EPK | Kolloquium | 2 SWS | English
Day From To Room Start End
Tuesday 10:15 11:45 Geschossbau III – Raum 214 08.04.2025 15.07.2025
Cancelled 27.05.2025 (excursion week)
This colloquium organised by European Planning Cultures (EPC) aims to help students write master thesis on topics related to urban transformation. It consists of three components. First, ongoing master theses related to urban transformation will be presented and discussed. This will allow students to get insight into the topics and methods. Second, students present initial ideas for their own thesis. By getting feedback, students can better prepare writing exposé and master thesis. Third, topics related to writing master thesis (e.g. research design and method) will be discussed.
Past projects

M 02 - Dortmund's EU Mission (WS 23/24)

A 02 - Der Dortmunder Wallring - keine Lösung, kein Problem?! (WS 22/23)

F 02 - Who owns the city? Digital Planning and Data Sovereignty (SoSe2022)