Workshop PLACE Reimagining Public Space Designing and Planning for COVID-19 - Implication on Health and Wellbeing
On March 6-7 2023, we successfully completed our two-day international Workshop PLACE. Fourteen Early Career Researchers based in the UK and Germany participated in the workshop to exchange knowledge and experience around novel theories, strategies and methods in urban design and planning of public spaces for promoting health and wellbeing in cities particularly in the context of the post-pandemic world. The participants also participated in the Challenge Prize and developed ideas collaboratively.
As part of the workshop, we had great talks and provocations by excellent speakers from diverse disciplines including Prof. Laura Vaughan (UCL), Prof. Gabriele Bolte (University of Bremen), Dr. Luisa Bravo (City Space Architecture), Prof. Nick Tyler (UCL), Dr. Tania Lisboa (Royal College of Music) and Dr. Irit Katz (University of Cambridge). We also thank Prof. Sabine Baumgart, Dr. Aysegül Can and Maxwell Mutanda for sharing their opinion as panellists.
What comes next?
The winner teams of the Challenge Prize will realise their project in the coming months and present their work during the one-day post-workshop event in September in UCL. Also, a special issue will be organised as an outcome of the event.
Did you miss our workshop?
The workshop was organised by Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) in collaboration with the Department of European Planning Cultures (TU Dortmund), and supported by Research Links Challenge Grants UK-Germany Public Health Workshops grant from the British Council.
For questions, feel free to contact Dr. Dahae Lee.