News and Events
New article published: Co-production of privately owned public space: Who, why, when, and how?

New article published: Defining Co-Production: A Review of the Planning Literature

New Publication: Von Vorreitern und Nachzüglern. Was bedeutet gute kommunale Verkehrspolitik?

New publication: Participation During and After the Pandemic: Lessons Learned from an Urban Revitalisation Project in Dortmund, Germany.

New article published: How public are hybrid public spaces? Assessing publicness of privately owned public spaces in Hamburg

New article published: Does politics matter? An investigation of political-institutional factors influencing land consumption

Urban Regeneration Talk #01, Germany by EURA

New publication in German - Städte und Metropolen in Frankreich und Deutschland

Final report published: WiVer - Effectiveness of Strategic Transport Planning and Policy
The research project WiVer - Effectiveness of Strategic Transport Planning and Transport Policy, funded by the Ministry of Transport of the State of…
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