New Publication: Von Vorreitern und Nachzüglern. Was bedeutet gute kommunale Verkehrspolitik?
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Content description Local traffic turnaround
On the road to climate neutrality, to which Germany has committed itself, the transport sector is one of the major brakes. While other sectors are making progress, CO2 emissions in the transport sector remain constantly high. There is no question that more needs to be done in terms of the mobility transition.
Key elements of transport policy take place at a local level: for example, when a bus line is put into operation or the prices for residents' parking spaces increase. Because this is never just about personal progress, but always also about distribution issues, local transport policy is often extremely conflict-ridden. This makes it all the more important to "take the population along" and enable a democratic balance of conflicting interests.
In the article by Feiertag, Patricia; Holz-Rau, Christian; Scheiner, Joachim; Wachter, Isabelle and Zimmermann, Karsten "Von Vorreitern und Nachzüglern. What does good municipal transport policy mean?" compares different municipal transport policies and shows that a shift from individual cars to more cycling, walking and public transport is possible.