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New article published: Co-production of privately owned public space: Who, why, when, and how?
- Archiv
The term ‘co-production’ has been used in various fields, including planning, as collaborative forms of public goods and service delivery gain significance. Co-production has two sides—the ‘co’ side refers to actors and their motivations, while the ‘production’ side refers to phases and instruments. This paper examines privately owned public space/s (POPS) based on the two sides of co-production. Thereby, it addresses two research gaps. First, less has been written to date on the involvement of actors other than local authorities and developers. Second, little attention has been paid to the phase through which POPS are co-produced. The paper fills these research gaps by presenting the empirical work undertaken in HafenCity, Hamburg. It reveals a wide range of actors engaged in four different phases through various instruments. This paper also identifies challenges of co-production of POPS, and makes recommendations.